“This year, we launched our new 2022-2025 strategy – outlining our ambitious goal to strengthen actions and commitments from the UK Government towards achieving health equity.
This strategy is underpinned by our 10 health equity principles, which recognise that we must diversify our network and centre the voices and experiences of people living with health inequities. As such, we’ve taken time this year to consider how we can meaningfully engage new members and promote an environment of inclusion and respect.
We’ve also continued to advocate for UK political, financial and programmatic commitments to global health and tackling climate change, whilst expanding our work on health systems strengthening.
Thank you to our members, partners and donors for all of your collaboration and we look forward to continuing working together in 2023.”
– Katie Husselby, Network Manager
2025 Strategy Goal: In 2025, strengthened actions and commitments from the UK Government have positively contributed towards achieving health equity, resulting in more people accessing quality, affordable healthcare tailored to their specific health and wellbeing needs.

1 new 2022-2025 strategy,

55 dedicated members

1 year funding

£75,000 raised

17 meetings

51 collaborative

346 campaign letters

297 people attend

2 global health campaigns

Health systems strengthening

“The working group meetings have been an extremely valuable platform to exchange knowledge with members and allow for more coordinated advocacy.”
– AfGH Member
Our 2022 Timeline
January 1, 2022
Examined the impact of ODA with people with lived experience of NCDs
February 1, 2022
Launched our FCDO maternal, newborn and child health engagement
March 1, 2022
Challenged the gender bias in global health for International Women’s Day
May 1, 2022
Launched our new 2022-2025 strategy
May 1, 2022
Demanded the UK outline their global health plan
June 1, 2022
Hosted our inaugural FCDO roundtable on climate change & global health
July 1, 2022
Assessed the UK’s progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 3
August 1, 2022
Listened to lived experience in tackling mental health inequity
September 1, 2022
Hosted a WHO dialogue on climate & health with Dr Tedros
October 1, 2022
Campaigned to phase out fossil fuels in the lead-up to COP27
November 1, 2022
Presented innovative One Health approaches with FCDO
December 1, 2022
Debriefed from COP27 with an expert panel

“Through our membership of AfGH we get regular opportunity to communicate directly with key government departments. It’s a great collaboration with learning and advocacy opportunities in both directions! Through this we learnt there was a mutual interest in the area of One Health and we followed up with a Policy Deep Dive session hosted by AfGH members, with invited LMIC networks and civil service staff from across departments.”
– Gabrielle Laing, SCI Foundation
Credit: Amref Health Africa / Sam Vox
Our UK & Global Health Equity Advocacy
Our UK, Climate Change and Global Health Inequity Advocacy
Collaborating with Our Members
Credit: Plan International
What’s Next for AfGH in 2023?

Diversifying and Expanding Our Network
In 2023, we will prioritise proactively reaching out to LMIC-based organisations, regional health networks and UK diaspora organisations, as well as increasing AfGH representation from LMIC-based staff across our existing membership.

2023 High-Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage
We will utilise the opportunity of September’s HLM to advocate for strengthened UK political, financial and programmatic commitments to global health equity and tackling climate change.

Broadening Our Focus on Inequities to Include High-Income Countries
In line with our new strategy, we will initally focus on broadening our attention to include health inequities in the UK. This major shift in how the network operates will require scoping, a gradual step-change process, continual learning and regular review.

“At Malaria Consortium we’ve found the opportunities to hear from AfGH and its members about plans for key dates and events has really expanded the potential for collaboration. The support AfGH has offered with some of our key campaigns, like World Malaria Day, has been one of the most valuable benefits of being part of the Comms Taskforce, helping us to amplify our content and reach a wider audience.”
– Sarah Bond, Senior Communications and Fundraising Manager – Malaria Consortium


“We are very grateful to our members, funders and partners who have helped us grow and mobilise global health civil society over the past year. A special thank you to STOPAIDS for hosting the network and supporting the AfGH team, and to Students for Global Health who partner so closely with us.
We are also particularly grateful to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Wellcome Trust’s Health and Climate Network for their continued support of our work.”