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What is the Action for Global Health Steering Committee?

Action for Global Health (AfGH) is a network of 55 organisations collaborating and advocating for a world where health equity is achieved globally. Our Steering Committee – made up of representatives from 8 of our member organisations – guides us in how we work towards this ambitious vision.  

We spoke to our current Steering Committee members to get their take on their experiences leading our governance and what they hope to see from AfGH in the coming year.  

Why did you decide to join the AfGH Steering Committee?  

Joseph Severe (Director, UNASCAD Haiti / SC member since 2024): 

“I decided to join the AfGH Steering Committee because it is one of the channels through which I can better understand global health policy and contribute to its extension.” 

How has AfGH evolved during your time on the Steering Committee?  

Mike Podmore (Chief Executive Officer, STOPAIDS / SC member since 2018):  

“I have been a permanent ex-officio member of the AfGH Steering Committee since STOPAIDS became the host of AfGH in 2018. Over this time, the staff team has grown from 1 to 5 staff members and the membership has grown to 55 organisations. It has been a privilege to partner with AfGH’s Steering Committee members to support the AfGH staff team and guide AfGH’s strategic direction and institutional development. Each year and new stage of growth of the network presents great opportunities and challenges for Steering Committee members to share expertise and experience and to collaborate to help ensure that the network is increasingly mature and impactful.” 

How does being a part of the AfGH Steering Committee support your organisational goals?  

Mederic Engel (Coordinator, Students for Global Health / SC member since 2023): 

“Thanks to the expertise of fellow steering committee members and of the secretariat, being on the steering committee gives insights into ethical good practices in charity governance, which was applied at Students for Global Health. It also enables to build stronger relationships with other charities and find areas of collaboration at the strategic level to amplify our mutual work.” 

Where are you excited for AfGH to progress over the next year as a Steering Committee member? 

Vinny Wooding (Senior Parliamentary Advocacy Officer, RESULTS UK / SC member since 2022): 

“With the election of a new Parliament, I am really interested to see how the Steering Committee, and AfGH as a whole, approaches this new reality. With major multilateral replenishments due over the course of the next two years, AfGH will have a central role to play in bringing together stakeholders and activists to ensure that the new Government shows its commitment to multilateralism by pledging generously. Further, as with all membership organisations, I am excited to see who the new AfGH partners will be going forward. Over the last few years, we have seen our global membership go from strength to strength and I am passionate that we continue this work to ensure the voices of the most marginalised, wherever they are in the world, are heard in the halls of power.” 

What will be your key take-away from your time on the AfGH Steering Committee? 

Fiona Lawless (Health Policy Advisor, Sightsavers / SC member since 2021): 

“My key take away from the time on the SC would be that there is a lot that goes on behind the scenes to allow a network to function. It gave me a great insight into the work that the Secretariat does, the governance needed and how to deal with problems as they arise. I really enjoyed my time on the SC and I feel I learned a lot from the role.” 

What would you say to someone interested in joining the AfGH Steering Committee? 

Zoë Gray

Zoe Gray (Head of External Engagement, Tropical Health and Education Trust / SC member since 2023): 

Having been involved with Action for Global Health for a number of years, it’s been fantastic to be part of the Steering Committee at its helm. It’s a great opportunity to play a key role in contributing to driving the work of this influential and broad-based network, its direction and processes, ensuring it upholds its vision and values, and to learn more about strategy-setting and governance. I highly recommend it.” 

We are currently seeking expressions of interest for three new Steering Committee members (two-year term from August 2024-July 2026). If you are interested in joining the Steering Committee or have any queries, please do get in touch with Katie ([email protected]). The deadline for expressions of interest is COP 26th July. 

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